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Negative Space: the design behind our premium audio products



Author: Sony Europe



High-end audio products should be as appealing on the eyes as they are on the ears. Why should a music lover that spends their hard-earned cash on a pair of headphones have to sacrifice looks for sound? When someone buys a high-end Sony audio product, it should be something that they’re proud to show off.


Negative Space is our design language that puts the ‘premium’ in premium audio. We came about it by imagining how each product would look if its components were compacted and compressed into a shape that left just the bare essentials visible. We then took that shape and used the negative space around it to create products that felt solid and substantial yet natural and instinctive to use.




Take the design of our ZX2 Walkman, for instance. As soon as you pick it up you’ll notice the slight protrusion on the back which houses the S-Master HX amplifier. By designing around this, the ZX2 not only feels more comfortable to use, but it serves as a reminder of just how robust this device is. You can almost feel the power of the amplifier surging through your palm as you hold it. Its weight is indicative of the quality components inside, while the placement of the inset buttons and the shot-blasted aluminium finish are a tactile reflection of the detail in High-Resolution Audio.




You’ll find the inimitable looks of Negative Space across the whole of our premium audio product range. The PHA-3 headphone amplifier is constructed from milled aluminium and sports a blasted, matte-black look, not dissimilar to the ZX2. Meanwhile, the SHAKE-X7D loudspeaker has been designed around the powerful, imposing woofer that takes centre-stage. You don’t even need to turn it on to realise that this thing is capable of some serious volume.

Thanks to Negative Space, music lovers can enjoy truly incredible-sounding audio products with looks to match.


Learn more about Negative Space and each of our premium audio products below.





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