Bravia Sync settings?

Bravia Sync settings?

I don't get it. These are all possible settings for the Bravia Sync:




It says I can power off my devices (PS4) from the TV, or power on the TV from the devices. No problems at all with the latter.


My question is with the former: instead of powering off the PS4 while turning off the TV, sometimes I get the PS4 starting when turning the TV on.


I can live turning the PS4 off manually, not a big deal (although it would help saving electricity if it switched off with the tv if I fall asleep) , but it's very annoying that switching the TV on sometimes I have to grab the controller, wait for the PS4 to start and then power the PS4 off. And things get worse in case of random television reboots. I may not be at home and the PS4 switches on by itself because of the tv restarting (it happened).


That (usually) happens when the last thing I did was using the PS4. But even when after using the PS4 I used some Android apps. Because, at least at reboot, the tv remembers the last input channel used, Android excluded. 


For now, since I don't have an aerial, my workaround has been to set the TV button as HDMI 4. But I have to remember to switch to HDMI 4 after using the PS4 to avoid it happening.


Is it a bug? Working as designed with the settings description messed up (in either English and Italian, though)? I am mad? Well probably. Still, which one?


Yeeey! Finally! :yahoo:


Actually stupid me not posting a picture before. 


So, now that we are leveled, do we have a better understanding of what the problem is? Sometime switching on the PS4 it uses the (plain) HDMI 2 and thus the PS4 never switches on without my consent. Which is what I want! Also because nowhere in the settings there is the option to turn on the HDMI devices. See the screenshot in the first post.


Other times (and it seems to depend on the day because yesterday I could never have the PS4 using HDMI 2 as it instead did the day before) it uses Player1(HDMI 2)


On the other hand the option to turn off the PS4 (which is in Bravia settings).. never works. It doesn't seem "working as designed" to me. It is doing the opposite it is saying.


So, summarizing again, I have got three issues:


  1. The TV alternatively uses Player1(HDMI 2) or HDMI 2 for the PS4
  2. The TV can turn on the PS4 when it used Player1(HDMI 2) and that option is not in the Bravia settings
  3. The TV never manages to turn off the PS4 as instead I allowed it to do it the Bravia settings

Now I understand that 2. might be part of the HMDI CEC Technology, but at least an option to avoid it wouldn't hurt.


Actually, if it had to work as I would make it, I'd have a set of options for each HDMI device. Because while I don't want the PS4 to be turned on by the TV, I'd sure like to have a soundbar or Dolby receiver turning ON and OFF When I switch the TV ON/OFF.


Still, IMVHO points 1.-3. are not working as designed. With 1. being the cause of this thread, and actually broken (again IMVHO, of course!)

@Anonymous So I did a bit of digging. And guess what? I managed to turn off the PS4 switching off the TV!! It's simple, actually: the TV won't turn off the PS4 if an app is running. I tested it with a game and with YouTube (seprately): If an app is running, even in the background, the PS4 doesn't turn off. Closing the app switching the TV off turns off the PS4 as well. So 3. is working. And it makes sense in a way, it's to avoid losing game progressions accidentally turning off the tv. But that would happen only if the PS4 turns off instead of going in stand-by. Well, online games apart, it would take too long to start again and also there will be a disconnection.


Instead, from what I understood, to turn on the HDMI devices isn't really part of the HDMI CEC standard. I mean, nothing forbids an implementation to allow it. But I still believe that it should be allowed only manually selecting a "Player1(HDMI x)" input.


Anyway, now after testing (I turned on the PS4, it was on Player1(HDMI 2), I tuned off the TV the PS4 switched off as well), turning on the TV it start with the input HDMI 2 (plain). Which is correct, or at least what I like. Only that, sometimes, it starts with Player1(HDMI 2) starting the PS4 as well. Sometime even after a TV reboot!!