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Can sony KD65XD8599 do "picture and picture"


Can sony KD65XD8599 do "picture and picture"

Hi guys, 


Can anyone please help me?   Ive checked the manual and such and help guides but connot find if this TV allows 2 pictures from two different sounces to desplay side by side like this......


(hope a you tube video apperes here)




Ideally I want to run two Playstation 3's side by side and have the screens appere side by side on the KD65XD8599.


Can anyone please tell me if this is at all possible? 




There is no mention of PIP/PAP on the specs of this TV:-


but if it can be done, this manual explains how:-


But note the limitations described there:-


Available Combinations of Two Pictures


(Left and right, or vice versa)
Digital programme and video input
Digital programme and component input
Digital programme and HDMI input (video format)
Analogue programme and HDMI input (video format)
Video input and HDMI input (video format)



This function is not available with PC format signals.
If two pictures with different vertical frequency signals (e.g. a left picture with 24p and a right picture with 60i) are displayed side-by-side, the smooth movement of the right picture may be lost.
This function is not available with a 4K resolution input signal.




So you can't have two HDMI inputs at once. But as you can run an HDMI link  from one of the PS3's, and a Video link from the other (SCART or composite video, which both TV and PS3 support, using the AV cable and possibly the SCART adaptor supplied with the PS3) you may well be able to do what you want.


Always assuming that PIP/PAP is universal on these TVs, and Sony didn't think to mention it specifically, which you can check by looking in the menus as described above, and seeing if the option is there.


YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Hi there,


Thanks so much for your informative reply.  Greatly appreciated.  


Odd how you cant have 2 x HDMI.  It is what it is I guess.  I should be able to get by easily with one PS3 using scart or whatever.  


Thanks again 

Not applicable

Hi there


At current, the XD85 series TV does not support PiP/PaP.   The manual Royabrown mentions above is for a 2014 TV (which is before Android TV came out) and hence uses the 'Action' menu instead.


I have also just tested this on my KD-55XD8577 TV and can confirm.  If it did work, these instructions would be applicable : HERE



PS: Im glad my short vid on YouTube is still doing the rounds :slight_smile:

@Quinnicus wrote:


The manual Royabrown mentions above is for a 2014 TV (which is before Android TV came out) 

Now he tells me. At least I got the first bit right 🙂


YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Ah right.  So perhaps the newer models wont?  I may just go into a shop and ask them to show me this feature.  





Sorrry missed your reply.  So you know it dooesnt have picture and picture.  Ah thats such a shame.  


And what a coincidence re your vid and you being on here and noticing.  :handshake: