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[Feedback] ATV2 - v6.2671 - Issues

[Feedback] ATV2 - v6.2671 - Issues

Hello guys,


i figured it would be nice to have a topic with feedback to the latest ATV2 update (v6.2671).


TV-Model:         KD-65XE9005


App:                  Youtube (

Version:             2.01.04 (20104320) arm 
Video quality:    3840x2160@60 (4k 60 FPS) 

Result:              Stuttering and sound cracking, as well as lack of HDR


App:                  Amazon Video (

Version:            4.1.121 
Testvideo:         The Tick (Amazon original, Season 1, Episode 1)
Video quality:    3840x2160 (Ultra HD) with HDR

Result:              Stuttering, eg. each x seconds a frame drops


App:                  Netflix (

Version:             4.2.1 build 1804 
Testvideo:         Jessica Jones (Season 1 Episode 5)
Video quality:    3840x2160 (Ultra HD) with HDR

Result:              Stuttering, lips out of sync



How are things look for you guys? Please tell me which app version you use and how well it works for you.


Also wierd in the youtube app is, that when you view the "geek stats" it doesn't show frame drops, yet the video is stuttering and sound cracking. 


I don't get that issue, although it sometimes doesn't handle full hd / 4k files (they stutter).

I'm also thinking of a shield, although the switching and "double android" will not go well down with my partner. :wink:


I also have problems with the cam module, which will obviously not be solved with a shield. 


(What a mistake to get this TV!)