
technology 2021

Anyway, I've had it with Sony. And I've had it with this piece of junk! The Bravia W815B First the sony pages wanted to "combine" my accounts. Oddly enough I seem to have to 2 logins which I do NOT want nor wasn't aware of. Not to mention that if you press "NO" the goddamn thing keeps going in circles!   And then there's the TV itself. Over the years the associated app for this smart TV became "dumb". And the TV itself also got it's share of Alzheimer. The program guide had more empty spaces during the last year than a blank notepad at a bookstore. The additional program info showed mostly nothing. Trying to add the program-names to get the program guides more or less working was like playing darts blindfolded. Time shifting never worked properly. There was ALWAYS the gamble that whenever you fast forwarded a bit that you'd loose the entire time-shift. When stopping a Netflix show/movie halfway and wanting to continue the goddamn POS rebooted EVERY time. The last few times even going back to a previous episode (or other movie) and coming back didn't even help either. And no, unplugging the PSU didn't help. I really hated this TV. I bought it for it's 3D, smart functions and netflix. Only 3D worked fine.   And now  merely 5 years later I can't even find a TV with 3D anymore. I can throw ALL my 3D movies in the bin! Sure THAT is not Sony's fault. But nonetheless, thank you TV industry for ***** things up!   Last night after way too many attempts to continue viewing  a netflix episode that I stopped halfway.  When this POS rebooted EVERY goddamn time. I suddenly lost it! I threw the remote into the TV. With the obvious consequence that the panel got severely damaged! I just couldn't cope with it anymore! I cannot describe my disgust for this piece of crap! Sure sometimes support tried to help, particularly with my time-shift problem. But it got NEVER solved. Time-shift on this TV is like playing Russian roulette but with one empty space in the gun instead of one bullet in the gun. And last night... was the last straw!