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Where do we get developer support for Android TV App - Sony specific

Where do we get developer support for Android TV App - Sony specific

Hi there - there is an excellent Android App that links my Sony TV to tvheadend's presentation of Sat-IP channels which works very well apart from a couple of issues that seem to be Sony specific.


Is there someone in the community or at Sony that can offer any help with these?


@Anonymous ?  




I'm the developer of that app, @stevellion let me know he had posted here :slight_smile:


So - Sony Android TV seems have some bugs which other Android TV devices don't exhibit, e.g. this channel sorting issue, I've been trying to find a way to report issues to Sony without much luck so far!


Where and how is the correct way to reach out to Sony and report issues for Android TV? I can't seem to find anything 😞





Not applicable

Hello both @kiall.macinnes @stevellion


At current there are a couple of lists of issues :



Germany : HERE


Please note, these are not exhaustive lists - Issues are added to the lists where multiple people have complained on these forums.  Sony is fully aware of the channel sorting issue - which is still an issue on the upcoming 'Marshmallow' update too.


So how to report issues.  I guess there are two ways.

  1. Contact Sony via their online contact form : HERE
  2. You could post it on these forums, of which one of the 'experts' or official moderators can escalate it to Sony Support on your behalf.


Hope this helps


Edit - If its a specific issue (i.e. app dev issues), I would suggest the online contact form.  If is a more general issue with the TVs (lip sync, tv channel sorting etc) - possibily post it on the forums - for others to also view/confirm etc.