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We’re changing the look and feel of our Community!

We’ve seen your feedback and we want to update you on the changes we’ll be making to our community. In the next couple of months we will roll out a series of tweaks, updates and changes to further enhance the design and usability of the community. You’ve asked for it and we have listened!


But first a reminder of what we changed last month:


1) We introduced the “manage my pictures” function so you can delete your pictures whenever you want. This feature is accessible from the User profile page.



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2) We enhanced the “What’s Hot” area so the design blends in more and also makes the message stand out



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3) We changed the font we use on our website. We are now using a bespoke Sony designed font. In the next couple of months the same font will also be rolled out to other Sony websites around the world.


In December you will see changes mainly being made in the blog section:


1) The blog homepage will be redesigned to focus on the blogs and give it a less cluttered look and feel.



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2) The blog itself will look less cluttered and we will remove any visual elements that could disturb you from reading the blog properly. Bigger titles, RSS links clearly visible, subtitles and clearer and bigger pictures and videos!



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Now for next year we have even more changes in mind. We’ll bring you more information in the next couple of months but changes will be across the entire website and will include:


1)            Navigational changes from the homepage into subcategory pages in the community.



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2)            More news announcements on the homepage.




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3)            Forum post details will be cleaned up and greater focus will be put on the message of the post.



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But many more things are being updated including better sharing functions, side navigation within product categories, competition pages, user profile pages...


You get the point - we're planning to refresh it all! There is too much detail for now to share with you but keep an eye out on the blog for continuous updates on our progress.


For now there is only one thing left to do - to wish you happy holidays and a wonderful end of the year!