HX90V display photo location on map


HX90V display photo location on map

Hi I bought my HX90v specifically for its GPS function. I travel a lot and find it hard to remember a photos exact location. I need to be able to click on a photo and see on a map where it was taken. 

I seem to recall many years ago that I had a Sony HX9v which came with software which did exactly that. I had erroneously thought this camera would too.

Any advise please on how to achieve my objective.


Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


You should be able to provide GPS information with the PlayMemories Home software or Action Cam Movie Creator. More details on how to import the data to your camera can be found here.


Best wishes,

Sean Mc


Hi @rhagley,


@rhagley  wrote:

I seem to recall many years ago that I had a Sony HX9v which came with software which did exactly that.

well, I'd say that the software you are talking about was PlayMemories Home (as mentioned by @Sean_Mc). That software had a built-in tool, showing you a map and indicating the position of where an image was taken. However, that tool is no more available in PMH.

I'm using IrfanView (a freeware image viewer) for this purpose. When opening an image by means of the programme you've only got to hit the "e" key and you'll be presented the EXIF-data of the image (if any). In case the image contains GPS data you'll be presented three buttons which allow you to show the position in OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and/or Google Earth. Clicking onto one of the buttons will start your standard browser (respectively Google Earth) and directly take you to the position at which the image was taken.


Hope that this of any use for you.




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