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Problemchildren from a great worldwide manufacturer

Problemchildren from a great worldwide manufacturer

Hello dear problemsolvers and fellow users of Sony products,

I've been encountering a rather agitating problem with my two Sony (Ericsson) devices. The devices in question is the bluetooth headset MW600 and my SE Xperia Arc smartphone, they are not quite coorporating smoothly. I don't know whether the problem lies with the android OS on my phone or a manufacturing flaw in the software of my headset.

The problem is that my headset doesn't displey any clock or track name when playing, this I can live with, but it seems peculiar, because it works fine with an Iphone. The other places I've consulted says that is a flaw with the android OS, which is still running the old gingerbread kernel.

But what really gets to me is the fact, that the buttons sometimes get mixed up. For some reason i experience that the Play/Pause button just stops working as intended, making it into a backward button, while the backward button still works as usual, and then the forward button really puts emphasis on the forWARD bit, skipping two tracks along. Anyone who have experienced anything similar?




Dear Klode90,

Thank you for posting in the SONY forum.

However, you are more likely to find an answer for any Sony Smartphone questions in the official Sony Smartphone forum (

Kind regards,

Finn, from the moderation team.