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hang in there

just hanging

A quoi correspondent les données Exif ?

Les données Exif correspondent aux paramètres utilisés par un appareil photo lors d'une prise de photo ou de vidéo. Ces données sont incorporées aux fichiers et sont affichées ici.

Pris avec un Indisponible
Logiciel Indisponible
Pris le Indisponible
Ouverture Indisponible
Vitesse d'obturation Indisponible
Balance des blancs Indisponible
Flash Indisponible
ISO Indisponible
Distance focale Indisponible
Paramètres Indisponible
Espace colorimétrique Indisponible
Objectif Indisponible
just hanging

The competition, indeed all the photo competitions we have run in the Community, have been open to users of all levels and all manufacturers cameras.  In that respect it is the same as the Sony World Photography Awards, which can (and is) won with all sorts of cameras and lenses.  Obviously we would love there to be more Sony entries and winners, but not at the expense of diversity and inclusiveness.  It is a photo competition after all, not a camera competition.

in reply to StartTheCar


b) The winner is selected by public votes. (not applicable in this competition) The winner is not selected by public votes. We leave voting turned on so people can give their appreciation. It has not say on the final winner. This is not a popularity contest after all.


it presents itself as a popularity contest when you have the kudos switched on and can give people the impression of it helping in some way to the deciding factor.and also it states only one vote per person so if it doesnt count the community should be able to vote for more than one picture that they like. 


also having checked out your judges pictures maybe contributors should have mainly uploaded insect or bug pictures,


also how is the following going to be achieved -


Three winners per participating country will each win a SWPA photography book and a year's free subscription to the World Photography Organisation.



So from what I understand now each winner of a competition will be a judge for the next competition. I don't want to be rude but it would a big offense for the others to be judged by these kind of winners ... I have a questions though . If the judge would be the friend of a competitor and he would choose his friend as the winner ,no matter the picture is good or not, how could Sony assure us the competitors that the decision is FAIR !? therefore I would suggest to have always at least 2 judges and the reasons for the decision should be more solid! The reasons that Krasimir Maratov choose the winner are very very questionable! Is a pity that such a nice Prize will end up sold and never to be used by a proper user that would really value it, as many gifted competitors would've done it ...

For those inquiring about the EXIF Data.. the reason why it is via comment is because i had cropped the photo using Gimp, this software compresses photos and thus takes away EXIF Data linked to the photograph. 

To the rest who are arguing that this photo is bad... Everyone has different views on photography, if this is not yours, then dont bother commenting. :neutral:

Was braucht ein gutes Naturphoto? Mindestens eine Kamera mit Kleinbild, äh sorry VOLLFormat Sensor, und ein Objektiv mit mindestens 300mm Brennweite, das am besten noch 2,8 Anfangsblende hat, auch wenn dann das Photo mit 8 geschossen wird. Dazu muss die Umgebungstemperatur entweder unter dem Gefrierpunkt oder über 30°C sein oder bei Temperaturen im Normalbereich extreme Luftfeuchtigkeit oder sonstige wittrige Umstände vorherrschen. Natürlich ist ein Tarnzelt Pflicht oder zumindest muss der Photograph dann bis zur Hüfte im Wasser stehen. 

Bei Macros muss jede Facette des Auges scharf sein, nur dumm dass so eine schleimige Schnecke keine Facettenaugen hat und Schleim nie so richtig scharf wird. 

Gratulation zoezwolf

vielleicht sehen wir uns in London

What makes a good nature photo? At least a camera with KB screen, uh sorry full-frame sensor and a lens with at least 300mm focal length, the best has yet 2.8 maximum aperture, even if the photo is then shot with 8. For this, if the ambient temperature be within a normal temperature range it must have prevail extreme humidity or other witt engined circumstances either below freezing or above 30 ° C . Of course, a camouflage tent is mandatory or at least the photographer must then stand in water up to his waist. 

In Macros every facet of the eye must be sharp, just stupid that such a slimy snail has no compound eyes and mucus is never really sharp.
Congratulations zoezwolf
maybe we'll meet in London

Viele Grüße aus dem wunderschönen Frankenland mit seinen Farben Rot und Weiß 


Guten Morgen,


Ein Glückwunsch geht an den Gewinner, hier zeozwolf!


Natürlich kann man sich immer über die Auswahl des Gewinners streiten, wobei man allerdings auch die subjektive Sicht von Krasimir Matarov berücksichtigen und  akzeptieren sollte.


Beste Grüße,

Manfred ohne Berührungsängste mit C und N und sonstigen:smileywink:

Wo kann ich diesen schleimigen Filter kaufen?
Ich möchte gerne das nächste mal auch gewinnen.


Das Bild ist komplett unscharf.
Das Hintergrund verrauscht.


Meine nächste Kamera wird eine Nikon sein.

Vergesst alles was ihr über Makrofotografie gelernt habt.
Nehmt den Automaticmodus und knipst drauf los.


Der Gewinn ist eine kann nur besser werden 😉



Where can i buy this slimy filter?
I would like to win the next time also.


The image is completely blurred.
The background noise.


My next camera will be a Nikon.


Forget everything you have learned about macro photography.
Take the Automatic mode and snaps it off.


The prize is a Sony camera.
It can only get better 😉


Best regards,Congratulations to the winner.

Sony this really is not a winner, there were much, much, much, better entries.
And the winner is: Nikon!
In relation to me, having regard to the outcome of this competition, I will not send more photos, or then it will be pictures that have no connection with the subject. But I congratulate the Nikon brand, which has managed to convince me: my next camera will be a Nikon.
Like many participants, I thought that the jury was composed of professional photographers, and I wanted to participate to find out what was the quality of my pictures. Now I know that my photos are bad, because I do not have a Nikon camera... Or maybe because I don't know anyone in the jury...?
I don't participate to win, but to learn what is a good photograph, and there I am lost, because what I see is a poor photo, no unoriginal, poorly framed,.. .and for which the photographer had to intervene (just hanging...)
Sony just lost a customer.

Ich mache nun schon seit Jahren Makro Fotografie und bin überrascht, dass unter vielen Gesichtspunkten dieses Fotos und dessen Bearbeitung hier so einen Hype bei den Usern und der Jury ausgelöst hat.

In anderen Foren würde dieses Foto in Bezug auf eingefangene TWA´s, zu starke Sättigung und vielen störenden Flächen auf jeden Fall kein Siegerfoto sein. Es ist bilderzählend und nicht mehr. Es ist bildtechnisch einfach schlecht und seine Platzierung nicht wert!