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My svr 500 frequently does not stop recording-anyone else ?

My svr 500 frequently does not stop recording-anyone else ?

This problem is getting worse. For example,last night I was recording a total of 5 programmes, 2 lots of "simultaneous" and 1 single. All went well until the last simultaneous recording-on channel 4HD Freeview-did not stop recording. After a 45 munute or so overrun, i switched off manually , losing the series timer setting in the process. The recorder does this now perhaps one session in 4, and with different channels being recorded, but BBC4 seems particularly problematical. Is this the fault of the EPG, the only way to instigate recording via timer-?are the TV companies not providing correct time signals?-and is there a solution? Does anyone else have the same problem? I've tried Disk Repair etc. My machine was bought in Nov 2011-I don't get the much quoted rebooting problem! By the way, when going on holiday for 3 weeks this year in late August, i had several "Series Record" entries scheduled. The recorder stopped recording after 10 days while we were away-anyone experienced that also? All tips gratefully received. Many thanks, Stewcro.