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Bravia KDL-46NX713U - audio and video out of sync

Bravia KDL-46NX713U - audio and video out of sync

My Sony plasma screen blew up so I replaced it with the new Sony Bravia KDL-46NX713U LED 3D tv.

My Sky+ box and Nintendo Wii are connected to my Sony home theatre system DAV-C770, and the tv is connected to my home theatre system using composite video input.

I had this exact same setup with my plasma screen and everything worked fine. But this setup with my new Bravia LED tv has an audio and video sync problem. The audio is slightly ahead of the video. This issue is happening when watching live tv, recorded tv, and using the Wii.

Can someone tell me how to get the audio and video in sync please?



Hi sony-girl

Composite is really the last resort to watch video as it suffers from poor quality. Especially as you have a new 3D telly you should be watching DVDs in better quality.

Can you not connect your new TV to your DAV-C770 by component cables. Its the Red, Green, Blue ones for video and SPDIF input for audio? This should/may help your sync issues.

Otherwise it's time to upgrade to a new Home Theatre.