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KDL-55X4500 - Best BluRay Surround System


KDL-55X4500 - Best BluRay Surround System

Hi Forum,


I am looking to upgrade my DVD Player & surround sound system for my KDL-55X4500 Bravia to a BluRay System with wireless speakers, what is the most compatible system available today ?



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Hi there


You've not mentioned a budget figure to aim for.  So hard to fully recommend.  However looking at the specs of your TV, it does not support HDMI-ARC. So what your looking for is a system that has optical in.  Fortunately this is very common.  Hence the BDV-N7200W would be suitable with wireless rear speakers. Also consider the BDV-N5200W.


However for sheer compatibility and upgradability, have you considered individual devices instead of an all-in-one system.  Such as an AV Receiver, add on the speakers, and then add a bluray player etc?




Hi Quinnicus,


Many thanks for your reply, much appreciated.


I guess my budget would be £600 - £700


I will look at both systems you have mentioned and also look at individual devices too.


Thanks again...!!!

Not applicable

Your welcome.


Interested to know on what you decide :thumbsup:


Quinnicus, I have decided to go for the Sony BDVN 5200 I do not know how many HDMI ports are on this system as I want to connect a PS3, PS4 & the Bravia to it.



Not applicable

Hi there


According to the setup manual and specifications : HERE  and HERE the system has 2 HDMI IN ports and 1 HDMI OUT.


You would connect the PS3 and PS4 to the HDMI IN ports and the TV to the HDMI OUT port.  As you TV also doesnt support ARC, you will need to connect an optical cable from the TV to the system as well.

