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Connecting to my wireless modem


Connecting to my wireless modem

Hi i am having trouble connecting to my wireless modem. I type in the WEP key and it connects but it says limited or no connectivity when i have nearly full signal to it any ideas why it isnt working please?


Hi tman16
Maybe you have wrong settings contact to your provider but first restart the router/modem and check if its working and if you restart the pc maybe works :slight_smile:


Did you ever get this sorted out?

I have the same problem. Steps that got me to where I am are...

1. I set up the wireless network and realised I didn't have it secured. Everything at this point could connect to the internet.

2. Being thick about this sort of thing I phoned Netgear to ask how I secured the network. This is now done and has resulted in me getting the status of "Limited or no connectivity".

The guy at Netgear talked me through loads of things and has now said that it is probably something to do with my firewall settings.

I've only recently bought this Vaio and am therefore running with the Norton security that came with it. Can anyone tell me what settings I might need to change?

Hi wootinks and welcome to Club Vaio.

In Norton (I don't use it so this may be a bit vague) you need to enter the IP of your router into the trusted zone.

Look in Personal Firewall and find Trusted Zone. Click on ADD and type in your routers IP - this is usually for Netgear. Click OK.

As an alternative, make sure your router is set to Broadcast SSID while you make the connection. You could also try changing the channel on the router in case the one originally set interferes with other equipment.



Thanks Blencogo

Have now sorted it all out. What I did - in case anyone else has the same problem.

Had already tried changing the channel on the router - it was suggested by the Netgear guy.

I tried to work out quite what to do in the Norton firewall but it wasn't very user friendly. I've now done what I had been contemplating anyway and uninstalled Norton replacing it with AVG (which is what I used on my previous PC). This then prompted my when I accessed the router as to how I wanted it set.

All is now working and I'm here on my wireless connection! :party:

Thanks again