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In despair :-( Problem with my VAIO VGN-A115B


In despair :-( Problem with my VAIO VGN-A115B

I have a big problem with my vaio notebook. When I turn it on I can see the vaio-screen and hear the noise but after the windows loading screen everything just goes black and ther's this unusual high-pitch noise (fan probably?). When i press F8 and choose the mode "last known working configuration" (dont know if I translated it correctly but that's what it says in german anyway) I can see my background and all the files on my desktop, but i cant click on anything, nothings working, cant even turn it off. With all the other modes the screen just goes black.
As you probably realised reading this I am not a computer expert [:">] but i just want to know if its a problem with the hardware or the software...or even a virus maybe??? I am thankful for every comment!



Normally I'd say black screens and highpitched sound would result in being the invertor for the screen but the fact you're saying one mode gets you further than the other makes me think it might be the drive thats gone

Have you tried safemode?

what about if you go into the BIOS, does it remain on and crashfree (hit F2 on the sony logo ) or does the screen go black there too?
This is just to narrow it down to the drive and not screen


When I go into BIOS the screen is perfect. Nothing goes black and its crashfree.
I have tryed savemode but the only thing thats happening is a white minus flashing in the top left corner of my screen (thought it might need some time to load but even after 5 min nothing happened)....