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My Sony Vaio VGN-FW21L Laptop,Few questions


My Sony Vaio VGN-FW21L Laptop,Few questions

Hi There,

I have recently bought my sony vaio FW21L and there are a couple of queery's i have with
it and i was wondering if someone could help?

When i try to move the desktop icons it will only let me move them to where another one is,e.g
if there is a icon in the bottom left hand corner it will only let me swap it with say the one in the top left hand corner??

It will not let me move an icon to anywhere else on the screen,e.g to the right hand side or middle?

The second thing is that i have noticed at the top of the page when im on google homescreen that the top bar that says,internet explorer is not very clear to see,like it has colour from behind it distorting it,the screen is fine and there isnt any colour issues wrong with it?It does it with most websites,but there is one occassion when it was clear,and if i make the screen smaller it is fine.There is a green line around the screen if that is any help to you?

I changed the screensaver but it is still the same,so i find it very weird.

Hope you can help.



hi mate
I might have some options that work for you.

1. desktop icons
-If you right click on mouse (if are right handed) anywhere on the desktop or when desktop only is showing press the mini-menu key (between alt gr and ctrl keys) you get a menu up.
-Under view there are a few options which are selected by default, you just need to click on them to untick and deactivate
-I think you need to untick the 'align to grid' and possibly also 'auto arrange'
-You should then be able to put your icons where ever you want on desktop.

2.IE header
I think I know what you mean in that the top of the IE window is semi-transparent and you want it to be solid filed like on XP.
Its nothing to do with your screensaver or wallpaper, it sounds to me like you just need to personalise your Windows and / or change the Theme.
This can be done via at least 2 routes I think:
a) per above, right click on desktop or hit the mini menu button to pull up a small menu, bottom of which should be personalise - then its fill your boots time on what you want to adjust
b) or you can also go via welcome center / control panel route to make personalisations including your Theme.

Cheers and hope this helps


Hi Mate,

Appreciated you being able to help me out!! Yeah i have sorted the desktop queery and now i can put them where i want.

And so far so good,the IE bar seems to be much clearer now as i have been able to disable the transparency option and made it a bit darker,so it is much clearer and easier to read.

Just another couple of queery's if you can maybe help out again,

1.I noticed that my battery life goes down very quick and ive only had this laptop 4 days.
when i first got it i charged it up until the charge light went out and then used it.
and then i used it again last night after having a over night charge of about 7 hours and when i used it later on in the evening it started off at 84% and it started to drop quite quickly.?

i appreciate that i had wireless on but that was really the only thing i was using that would use battery power? Is this a common thing with this model of vaio?

Should i consider taking it back to the store as this doesnt sound right or just change the power savings functions?

2.When the laptop is fully charged should the charge indicator saty green? As mine flickers in a low orange colour.....i dont think ths is right?

Thanks alot again and if you can help with these other queery's i would appreciate it.

Many Thanks Ollie Bins.


Is this your first vaio? Unfortnately they are not blessed with great batter life, I have just got the fw21l and havent checked out the battery life yet but should be looking at 1.5/2 hours. But on my vaio Im replacing, its battery didnt last long and eventually (@4 years) had max 15 mins on the battery!

The orange light flashes, thats normal for me at least too!


ok cool,well ive just charged it while being on it and it will only go to 80% maximum charge.
ive taken it off power now and ive had about nearly an hour on it and i have 54% left.

Any reason why it wont go to 100%, i have had it at that when i first charged it?

would it make a difference if i put it on power saver?


Any reason why it wont go to 100%, i have had it at that when i first charged it?

Hi ollie bins,

some Vaio models have a Battery Care Function this usually stops charging at approximately 80%..

The battery care function's aim is to try and prolong the life of the battery..


ok yeah i must have enabled that when i first got it.i charged it today and it has now gone over the 80% mark......But i noticed it got to 90% and stayed there for over 45 mins without increasing and it was still saying...' Plugged in, Charging?

Will it go to 100% or is there any reason why it's staying where it is?

And when you charge it,then turn it off and come back to it the next day, i notice alot of battery power has gone down, even though i haven't been using it?

Bit weird as this is a new laptop?

Thanks for the help.
