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I have a Sony Vaio SZ1HP/B and only the audio driver, (Wich by the way as not been easy to set up in Vista!!) is avaiable in the vaio link site, so where are all the remaining drivers? (ex: Camera driver, Bluetooth, Nvidia Card driver, etc...???)
What are you Sony Guys wainting for??? I have allways take Sony in high consideration, but really this is being kind of lammme... a... !!!
Just release the so needed drivers for crying out loud....
Please users of this forum coment on this.....
!confused.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=confused|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=confused.gif!
Hi! I am from Germany
I have the same PROBLEM. My Vaio FE28H didn't get any drivers for Vista. There are just old drivers for Windows XP. When can I get all drivers for Vista?
Sorry for my English...
Hi Levbald,
Welcome to Club vaio,
When drivers or updates are released they will appear in Drivers & Updatessection for your Vaio..
Hopefully the drivers for Vista capable Vaio's will be released soon:smileyhappy: