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Using TuneUp 2009 software

Using TuneUp 2009 software

You may have seen my recent post (as yet unanswered, I think I can guess why), but I found the post below from Blencogo regarding the use of TuneUp to help slow start ups of another user - most helpful I thought.
My question now is, I have downloaded the 30 day offer of 'TuneUp 2009' and it is somewhat different now in its layout I think - in your opinion how should one use the new offering, simply use the '1-click Maintenance' tab or delve rather more deeply into the 'utilities' package?
I would greatly appreciate your advice please.
Thank you,

Quote of text c. Dec 2006
Hi Pete - it sounds like your Vaio needs a good Spring Clean !!

Slow startup could be caused by many things - here are a few to try: -

1. Check you are using the correct up to date driver for your Graphics Card - this can cause this sort of delay.
2. Delete the contents of the folder C:\Windows\Prefetch. This partly loads programs you use frequently but if you uninstall something it takes time as it tries to find it. Files in here can also become corrupted or have poor links which again can take up time.
3. Download the free (for 30 days) version of Tune-Up Utilities from www.tune-up,com and run
a The Disc Cleanup
b The Registry Cleanup
c The Registry Defrag
d Startup Manager - see what programs load on boot. You can disable a lot of them that are not needed - for example you will probably a lot of programs trying to load on startup. Adobe Acrobat tries to load programs as does Nero and several others. Just uncheck the box next to programs that are not System programs.
e System Optimiser.
4. When you have done this cleanup it is time to Defragment the hard drive - 31% is quite high and needs attention. Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disc Defragmenter. I suspect it will take a while to run on your Vaio as it has a lot of work to do !!

Good luck

end quote


Hi gyron,

I don't have TuneUp 2009 and so I am not aware of all the new features (I prefer System Mechanic 8 these days).

I personally would avoid the new features on the Start Page - this gives recommendations in the areas of Maintenance, Speed and Health - I heard of some people having difficulties with the shut-down time after following all the recommendations.

Reading my old post, I think the advice still stands. I would run: -

1. Free Up Disc Space - and follow the recommendations for 'Clean Up'
2. Clean Up Windows - run Registry Cleaner and Shortcut Cleaner
3. Increase Performance - run Registry Defrag and Drive Defrag. Also look in Startup Manager and turn off everything listed as 'Unnecessary', turn off everything in 'Optional' except Vaio Update and the Remote Control (if you have one), turn ON all the 'Necessary Startup Programs'
4. Run 1-Click Maintenance regularly.

Let us know how you get on and if you recommend TuneUp Utilities. It has always been a favorite of ours in the past but up until this new version, had only limited use with Vista.

Good Luck


Hello Blencogo,

Thanks for replying to my mail.

I have followed your suggestions, icluding deleting contents of 'Prefetch' folder (seems to be much controversy on this), and run the 1-click maintenance of the 'TuneUp 2009' software. This seems to defrag the registry, optimise system etc etc. To be honest I don't think there was much improvement in the BootUp time. The only change I seem to have, post running 'TuneUp 2009' is that the XP Pro 'Performance Balancer', which has two settings (customise and Full Power) seems to insist that both Customise and Full Power settings have the Fan operating at full speed!

Following the use of 'TuneUp 2009' I ran an old favorite of mine 'BootVis' which always seems to improve my BootUp time. BootVis initially gave me a BootUp time of 52 secs. Following the use of the BootVis 'Optimiser' and remeasuring the BootUp time it showed an improvement to 41 secs - and there is certainly an improved 'feel' to the laptop startup time.

Do I buy 'TuneUp 2009' ??????? That is the question!

I word of warning though, my wife also has a Vaio but her's is a more modern Dual Processor and I cant get BootVis to work on her machine!

Kind regards,
