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Hi, I've just got a VGN-T1XP. It all works fine, I have a 14GByte C Drive and a 16GByte D drive. The spec and the DISKPART utility say I have a 40GByte HDD, but I haven't been able to turn the last 10GBytes into a drive.
Can someone please tell me how I can use the DISKPART to do this, or if its allocated to some other task on the machine.
Dave Steadman.
Hi David and welcome.
Just over 7Gb is taken up by a hidden recovery partition. The remaining 3 Gb is the difference between the way that manufactures define the size of disk and the way Windows reports the size. What you report is normal.
If you are becoming desperately short of space then you have an option to delete the recovery partition once you have created your recovery disks. You would be well advised to make more than one copy as disks have been known to fail.
Thanks for the reply. I was most concerned about where the space had gone more than freeing it up right now.
A quick side-track... Is it possible at some point in the future to get a T-Series updated a 100GByte disk or similar?
Dave Steadman.
Yes, you'd need a 2.5" drive