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I'm using this forum for the first time, because I want to ask something.
I have installed the premium version of vista on my PCG-K415S, but now I discorvered that I am unable to use the Windows Aero functies and that's a pity. I think is causing by my grafhic/video card, a Ati Mobility Radeon 9200. Is there something I could do, such as using the vista driver for a 9600 and install pixelshader 2.0
Or maybe an expensive option, to sent my vaio to sony and let them place a (new motherboard with a) new video card.
Can you please tell me what to do, because I was very interested in the Windows Aero option.
BTW, I now have 1 GB of memory and Vista is running perfectly.
Welcome to the forum,
Fraid you need 128meg graphics card. I'm in the same boat with the same 9200 64 meg card. I also don't beleive you can upgrade the graphics card as the motherboard is model specific but I may be wrong.
Hi Sikkel and welcome to Club Vaio.
It would be uneconomical to replace your graphics adapter - it would be cheaper to buy a Vista capable laptop.
You will have to hope that enhanced drivers may become available to allow you to enjoy Aero but you may have to accept that this may never be possible.
EDIT: Evening Tony - nice to see you back !!!
That was the first thing what I thought, but in laptops there are mini AGP Cards so they should be able to be changed.
Is it possible to change the video card from the K415S with the one of K415B or are the mini agp cards solded
I am afraid they are soldered in.
Only a very few of the newest, largest laptops have interchangeable graphics cards and they are very expensive and so large, you may as well buy a desktop.