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dog spilled water on my laptop on about the end of july,closed it immediately and left it for 2 days in a warm room(really hot in greece) and after that put away and left for vacation.
came back 2 days ago and put it in warm room you guys think its ok to open it or it needs more time to dry completely?:smileyconfused:
Hi Zina
Should be ok to open but if you can get hold of a can of compressed air and give the thing a blast around the keys etc then that might help.
Shooting the dog might also help:smileyhappy:
dont worry....already shot her!:smileydevil:
Bet she looked at you with those pathetic "Dont shoot me please" eyes after she'd spilled the water:smileylaugh:
Still, least it wasn't your pina colada eh?
It should be fine now Zina
turned it on today ,seems to be working fine so far.......hope it continues like that:smileygrin: