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Issues with WH-H900N

Issues with WH-H900N

Hey guys,


I recently bought the WH-H900N but I am having a few issues with them. One of the problems is that when connected to my laptop, they sometimes turn off suddenly at random times WHILE reproducing audio, it has happened around 6 times today. Sometimes they last hours without issues and other times they turn off several times while trying to listen a 10 minute video, battery is over 80%. When they are connected to my smartphone, it hasn't happened yet that they turn off randomly in the middle of a song or video but it has been happening frequently on my laptop.

Also sometimes the voice says "power off" when I put them on the table and then "power on" when I put them on my head (without pressing the power on/off button) I thought it was an auto on/off feature but it only does it sometimes randomly.

Other times they are on and I put them at the table and they do nothing (they keep connection and voice doesn't say anything), when I put them in my head again and play some audio on the phone, it plays on the headphones normally.

Other times, when they are off, I put them in my head and they do nothing, (no "power on" voice), then even after pressing the power button several times about 5 seconds at a time, they don't turn on. This has happened when I first received them I was unable to turn them on after multiple tries and I thought they didn't have any battery left but after I plugged them on for less than 10 minutes they were already at 100%. Sometimes when they are not turning on if I move/shake them a little bit then press the
power button again they turn on.

Do you know by any chance what could be triggering this actions or is it possible that could have an electrical wiring issue?


I believe something similar about the headphones turning off by themselves happened to someone else here: