Sony X Compact no sim card error


Sony X Compact no sim card error

For about 1-2 months now my Sony Xperia X Compact very often doesn't recognize a SIM card. Only reboot can help (sometimes after reboot it works well, sometimes network appers for only a few seconds and SIM-card disappears again. It seems (but I'm not completely sure) like quick change of network preferred (GSMonly-WCDMAonly - WCDMA/GSM - LTE/WCDMA/GSM) after rebbot makes it more likely for phone to recognize card for some time longer).
It happens pretty randomly, but is much more likely to happen in areas with bad mobile signal (at work, in the country(no LTE, almost no WCDMA, some areas with no signal at all(cold stores)) after about an hour (not immediately!) phone stops to recognize sim-card and after that I just keep rebooting it with a small chance of getting it to work for 10-20 mins (but more likely for 30s), while in the city it usually works much better, sim-card disappears only few times a day). 
Even if phone does not detect SIM-card in test menu *#*#4636#*#*  signal data is reading (for example -105dBm 35 asu as I'm writing this)
Resetting connection settings didn't help.
Tweaking *#*#4636#*#* settings (as described here) doesn't help.
Factory reset (ads well as Software repair using Xperia Companion) didn't help.
Putting three layers of duck tape over back of a card, to make it thicker for a better contact (as suggested to me at phone repair shop) didn't help.
Phone temperature doesn't seem to play any role (it happens in the pocket as well as on the table).
I don't remember actual dates, but I think the problem started in the last decade of October, while, as I have found out, last release of firmware(34.4.A.2.118) was relesed September, 25 (I guess phone upgraded in October), so could it be a problem with the update?
Where to get the previous version of firmware(34.4.A.2.107 or eallier) for my region(Ukraine)? (or is it okay to install version for a different region?)
Or will it help and is it possible to change the radio module firmware?

Sony Xperia X Compact F5321

Android 8.0.0

Firmware version: 34.4.A.2.118

Current radio module version: 8976-8976.gen.prodQ-00017-39

P.S. I know I'm not the first owner of Sony Xperia with this problem, so I hope the company is going to fix it with the new update or at least give some other solution.
I really liked my compact phone, but with such a huge problem it's not a phone at all. They said me at the repair shop, that connection problems are very common with Xperia devices. Not the best  reputation for a brand to have. 
P.S.2. I had the problems with mobile connection from the start: it took very long time (more than a minute) for the phone to recognize the network, after it lost it, while other phones do it in seconds.

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i have the same problem on my Xperia Compact, 

why i dont see any answer or soluotion form SONY here? they call it "support forum" !!

The best solution is trial and error.

-does it happen in safe mode too?

-does it happen with another SIM card too?

-does it happen after a software repair with Xperia companion too?

-is your SIM card detected on another device?


I have the same problem since 2 weeks, it's an really bad joke, Sony make programmed obsolence !

Nobody know the answer.  Hardware ? Software ? The problem occurs without any reason.

I try factory reset, #*#*4636*#*# trick, clean quickly sim reader.... My Sim card work on another phone.

planned obsolescence ? Sony could assume ?

Try something else.

If you have a SD card in your phone, take it out.

Sometimes unexpected behavior is caused by a malfunctioning SD card.

Try this in safe mode as well.

If it does not happen in safe mode then a self installed app is probably causing problems.


My update on this would be that it seems it "registers" I saw messages (when turning on Ultrastamina) that "can only used for emergencies" 

If the sim is not registered, it can't be used at all.


I have the exact same issue. SIM Card Pin will pop up roughly 1 Min after booting. The card is recognised but cannot register into any network. Safe mode, several setting changes didn't help. Finally a new SIM helped for 2 days. What sometimes helped is a cleaning of the sim surface (old SIM) or adding a paper "SIM cut out" to make the SIM "thicker". It worked sometimes but not always. I think the force or surface of the contact pins on the sim are insufficient to create a good electrical connection. If someone has a good idea how to clean them, I would be happy to exchange a few ideas. Would also be interested if the paper trick helps anyone.

The new SIM works perfectly in an honor phone. The SIM card holder is also made in a metal frame.


Same problem since updating from Android 7.1.1 to 8.0.

what did not help solving the problem:

- tried 2 different sim cards that work in other phones

- reset

- downgrade to Android 7

- cleaning sim slot

- repair with sony companion

- check if there is sim lock

Is there any way to check if the sim slot works?

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You did a lot and it does seem a hardware problem.

A slot can be clean with compressed air.

You can buy it in a tin can (compressed air I mean) just like paint.

Also Youtube has lots of solutions for smartphone problems.


Lets face it, these phones were not made for repair.

They either want us to buy a new phone or take it in  for repair who often can't repair it any way.

To isolate the probalem, this is a simple diagnostics on is the phone sees a sim and if it does what is the next step (like transmission to tower) and then the the problem is there.

I am not buying expensive phones, only used or cheap, so if I have a problem I buy another one.

@Liasa wrote:

Same problem since updating from Android 7.1.1 to 8.0.

what did not help solving the problem:

- tried 2 different sim cards that work in other phones

- reset

- downgrade to Android 7

- cleaning sim slot

- repair with sony companion

- check if there is sim lock

Is there any way to check if the sim slot works?


Ich habe das gleiche Problem, ich liebe mein Handy über alles. Und jetzt habe ich das Problem, das es angezeigt wird das eine sich Karte drin ist. Aber kein Empfang. Hat mittlerweile einer eine Lösung dazu? Ich finde es sehr schade, daß uns keine Informationen darüber gegeben wird. Ich habe auch in verschiedenen Foren mein Anliegen gepostet. Aber keiner konte mir in irgend eine Art und Weise helfen. Und ich meine wenn hier bei Sony Seite uns keiner helfen kann das weiß ich auch nicht weiter. Bitte schreibt mir eine persönliche Nachricht wenn jemand die Lösung weiß 

Habe mal den Code ausprobiert - > * # * # 4636 # * # * . Bei mir wird zwar dann ein Fenster geöffnet. Aber was ich da genau machen muss weiß ich nicht. ( ICH BITTE UM HILFE) 


PS: DAS Foto - >

