
Forgot code

Olvide la clave numérica como lo puedo solucionar??

I forgot the numerical code how can I solve it? -GT


@wilfredomillosw  please try posting in English. it's an international forum, so more people will be able to understand you and possibly offer a solution that way.

which code are you talking about?


Hi @wilfredomillosw, welcome to our forum!

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Is it the screen lock that you forgot or is it the PIN code for your SIM card?

If it is the screen lock that you can't remember, there are two options available to you and both will result in the device being reset and all data stored on the internal storage deleted.

1. Perform a software repair using Xperia Companion and a computer. Make sure that the device is turned off and not connected to the computer > tap on "Software repair" > check the little box in the bottom left corner > Next > follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Reset the device using the Google service called Find My Device.

  1. If your SD card isn't encrypted or used in a corporate environment, remove it before you perform the reset. Turn off the device before you remove the SD card. Turn the device back on when you have removed the SD card.
  2. Sign in to the Google Account that you previously added to your device.
  3. If you have more than one device, select the device that you're locked out of at the top of the screen.
  4. Select Erase. Be aware that this action will permanently erase all of your data, for example, your apps, photos and music. After you erase the content of your device, Find My Device will no longer work on it.
  5. After you remotely erase the content of your device, you can set up your device again with your Google account and a new screen lock.

Let me know if that helps!


"1. Perform a software repair using Xperia Companion and a computer. Make sure that the device is turned off and not connected to the computer > tap on "Software repair" > check the little box in the bottom left corner > Next > follow the on-screen instructions.". 

I suppose it has to be connected to the computer?


@Yekollu, no, that is not needed.

You will be asked to connect the device to the computer later on in the repair process. In most cases you should press and hold volume down at the same time as you connect the cable to your computer.

It may sound strange, but it's a bit different when you perform the software repair when you have forgotten the screen lock, compared to just performing a software repair becuase you want to reset the device, or to sort some bug(s) out.


Ahhh Understood now
Thanks Slightly_smiling_Face


@Yekollu, no problem! Slightly_smiling_Face