
Xperia 5 960 fps


I really interest to buy Xperia 5. Just wanna know one thing. From the specifications lots 960fps slow mo not showing on the Sony website. Just wanna know which slow mo feature is available for this device.



Hi @Dragontrumpetare,

I'm not involved in the decisions made when a new device is developed so it's hard for me to answer your questions in a good way, but I understand exactly what you mean and I would be happy with having a few more options to choose from as well.

Based on your user name it sounds like you are from the Nordic region where I'm also situated and Black Friday isn't that far away and there are usually very good deals on smartphones and other stuff that day (well now it's almost a weekly thing at some retailers).

I will of course forwards your feedback and have a nice day!


Same here ...

Just saw the phone today ... and i thought it would be a good replacement since the XZ1 compact won't get and apgrade to Android 10 ... but ...

Sony dropped the "compact" line, removed the headphone jack, FM radio and now also the super slomo from their "scaled-premium" line. I had laughed at Apple as their Animojis were announced and i had already "Super-Slofie" back then.

But now, Sony is just following the trend. Round edges, which makes the phone harder to hold. But at least they do not get notched Winking_Face

Additionally, when i hear about the unreliability finger-print sensor ... Maybe they just want to force us using the face detection? Definitely .. a NOPE! I never had any issues in past year usen the sensor. 

As an owner of an X10 mini, Z1 compact, Z3 compact and now an XZ1 compact, i currently don't see any need to upgrade to a newer Sony phone.


Excuse me! 

I found out my new xperia 5 disadvatages me in a few disciplines comparing to my old XZ1 compact, guys, this is not funny, I will next time buy some phone with a super slow mo feature.



I am really dissapointed with that news, I wish I knew it before my buy of the new Xperia 5! Having 120 fps feature like on my old Z3 is jump back into 2015! I want to kick someone now. 


Woah, calm down dude. 

There is a possibility that software based slow-mo will be implemented in future updates.

Until then we can wait and hope. I personally don't use it too much, but it would be a nice addition.