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A1 very slow internet using a wired connection

A1 very slow internet using a wired connection

Hi there new to the forum


Proud new owner of a 55inch A1 oled



I am having trouble with the wired connection to the internet.

I have a new cat6 lan cable from my router direct to the tv

I can connect by wired lan from the router but only get a download speed of 10 to 15mb even though I am on a 150mb service.

I have ran a speed test on a wired laptop using the same port as i used on tv with nothing else connected and the speedtest came back as 45mb which would be acceptable.

I am having trouble watching amazon prime on hd because of the slow speed.

I have looked on google to see if there is a solution but as the tv is relatively new there is very little information.

Are there any settings that I should use to make this better?



Please can someone give me an idiots guide to make the A1's internet speed better


Thanks for any help


Best wishes




Not applicable

Hi there


In regards to your dull picture - I am wondering if you still have the 'Light Sensor' enabled.  If so, turn this off.  Action Menu > Picture > Light Sensor > OFF



No I have the light sensor switched off

I will put all my settings down tomorrow 


Thanks for all you help it helps to know that theres people out there willing to spend the time on the not so technically minded.


Best wishes 



I have just ran the speed test and it came out as 39Mbps which is better I suppose not what I'm paying for but better


Best wishes 



Not applicable

You're welcome. 


Another trick is to set 'X-tended Dynamic Range' to High.


However this is a 'technology' with in OLED itself.  OLED TVs have what is called ABL - Auto Brightness Limiter and it cannot be disabled.


Suggest doing a google search for 'OLED ABL' and reading up for yourself.  A couple of links for you:


Frankly spoken - OLED TVs are suited to dark rooms, where-as LED TVs are more suited to brighter rooms.


Hope this helps


Not applicable

@Barcabod wrote:

I have just ran the speed test and it came out as 39Mbps which is better I suppose not what I'm paying for but better


So what your getting now at the TV, is roughly what your Virgin speed is when tested on a laptop.  Guess the problem is Virgin network end.  And as you mentioned in a previous post, you were told that Virgin will upgrade your area in a couple of weeks.  Hope that happens.  :slight_smile:

Barcabod wrote:


The router is new and was installed last week the engineer left his number in case there was any problems I phoned him tonight and he said that in my area they were upgrading and this should be done over the next couple of weeks. 

So it wasn't router but the line itself that hasn't been upgraded, yet. Indeed I had forgot to tell you to check the most important thing, i.e. if the ISP connection is established at the right bandwidth.


To do so in the web browser put - hopefully it won't require an username/password the first time. Otherwise you should check in internet, they are all te same for the same router/ISP. That's the router web interface. In there, either in the Home page or a "Status" tab (then maybe clicking on "VDSL", "DSL" or else, each router is different) you should get the details about your connection. You need to check the speed in download, downstream, down or else. The TV should reach at least 85-90% of that value.

Thanks to you both for all your help so far.


I am going to wait the couple of weeks to see if the broadband sorts itself out. If it still persists then I will get the Virgin Media engineer out to check everything.I can stream hd content from amazon prime, just have trouble with supposedly 4k content that being its only  in hd( i have read that this could possibly be amazon though). 


As far as the picture settings go, I have searched the internet and have tried setting the tv to the settings suggested on the ratings and flat panel websites.The picture is ok but i cant seem to get it right . Some channels are bright others are dull colour is deep on some and not on others( iam coming from a pioneer plasma which was 9 years old) maybe I need to give the tv time to settle only had it 2 weeks and using it with sky q.


I may do a full system restore just to see if that solves anything ,but I am a bit worried to do this ( any downsides to doing this ?) 


Are there any sites that users just put their settings on without the technical stuff. Like I say i am not exactly computer /tech illiterate but need it to be in laid out step by step way


Again thanks for your continued help


Best wishes 



Heres the setting that I currently have


Pic mode                cinema pro

Auto pic mode       off

Light sensor          off


Brightness         40

Contrast             90

Gamma               0

Black level          50  

Black adjust      off

Adv contrast      off

Xtended DR       high


Colour              50

Hue                   0

Colour temp    warm

Live colour      low

Advance colour  all as normal


Sharpness        50

Reality creation     off

RNR                         off

DNR                         off

Smooth graduation       low


Motionflow        true cinema

Film mode          low


Video options all set as auto


Please could someone use these settings on there A1  and see if I am anywhere near what I should be


Best wishes 




Not applicable

Hi there


The only downside to factory reseting the TV is that you have to set everything back up again and loose all your customised settings - suggest writing them down firstly anyhow.


In regards to picture settings, yes there are review sites that have the settings - but alot of picture settings are individual taste and environmental factors (i.e. brightness of the room etc.)


A couple are:








Thanks for your continued help


I have used the flat panel settings and find them dull 

I think I have tried most of the settings provided by users(😢)


The video( which I think I have already tried)  I will have a pop at them tomorrow and see where it gets me.


I have done a sort of spread sheet with any settings I change so I can try and find the sweet spot but cant find one that suits. So I can always revert to the previous setting, plus theres always reset (🤔)

I might defer factory resetting as everything  works, albeit maybe not as I expected( spending 3k I think I was expecting to be blown away) The cricket in UHD on sky Q is alot better than the HD channel. I can't wait for the football to start next week.

Watching BBC 2 HD on sky Q at the minute (athletics) and the picture is good maybe a little bright on the whites but its ok.


I know settings are subjective and maybe I'm being over picky( the wife will let me know when shes had enough of me messing with the picture I' m sure)


Again thanks for spending the time and effort in helping it is appreciated


Beat wishes 

