Amazon Prime Lip Sync Problems


Amazon Prime Lip Sync Problems

Hi All, 


I really, really hoped earlier in the year that the problems I was experiencing with my 8005C (2015) were a thing of the past. Unfortunately for the past couple of days the audio on the Amazon app on the TV has been badly out of sync. All of the other Amazon apps on e.g. my Sony Blu Ray player and PS4 are absolutely fine, and it's not affecting Netflix etc. So it is defnitely the TV. 


Is anyone else having the same problem and is there a cure for this irritating issue? It's the only app where I can access 4K playback so I'm keen to get it resolved. 



Yesterday afternoon I had a text chat with Amazon regarding the issue. They called me afterwords, I tried to explain as much as I could what the problem is. The CS person was fairly knowleable, about recent Android update for Sony TVs, TV models in general and so on.

They promised to look into this in detail and work with Sony to resolve it.

I have no idea what will happen at the end, but possibly if more people would report the same issue their motivation might be higher.

seems to still be a problem, not used the amazon app on the tv for a while ever since i tried to watch gran tour in 4k so thought id have another bash after updates and seems even 1080P has issues now. 

That must be an on going problem. It happens only when I access Amazon Prime movies on my ROKU. 

I did contact Amazon........ They told me it must be my "Slow Internet" 

Whomever I spoke with, I then told them, if that was the case why dont I have the problem on The computer, my cell phone, a tablet, an Xbox 360, OR My DVD PLAYERs. His next answer. The Roku must be faulty. 

I have 3 Roku Players In the house. All three have a lip sync problem only on Amazon Prime No matter what the movie is.