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KDL-43W805C Freeview menu & audio drop outs


KDL-43W805C Freeview menu & audio drop outs



I have a KDL-43W805C.


When I enter the Freeview menu via the GUIDE button on the remote, the TV audio will cut out for several seconds. Same thing happens when exiting the Freeview menu. 

Also, the Freeview menu is sluggish to populate as I scroll up and down.


It's a jarring and irritating user experience. My other non-Android Sony TV doesn't do this.


Does anyone else have this issue?


BTW I've done a factory reset and the latest firmware is installed.




Glad to hear someone concur with my experience.


The picture being the only redeeming feature on these TV's is my sentiment exactly! Youview was so badly implemented that we deactivated it within 20 minutes of using it. Truly abysmal.


It's unlikely I can take it back to the shop due to time elapsed since purchase - though I guess it could be worth a try as Richer Sounds provide excellent customer service and they're a very reasonable company so I may give that a try. 



I've come to the conclusion that asking for our money back is the only way to get Sony to take notice. We got a replacement TV around Christmas which fixed many problems (like catch-up services just disappearing). But, for all the improvements we were told would come with 'Marshmallow', you still can't watch catch-up and record to HDD without spitting blood.


Try the money back option, we are. It may not work, but I would recommend it to all disgruntled Bravia users.


I think I will. 


The Marshmallow roll out looks to be a calamity too. 


I've been looking at the LG operating system - looks pretty slick so I think we'll be heading down that path.

We have a little Samsung that works a treat. It's for another property we own but I have it at home at the moment so we can plug it in when the Sony doesn't work! Good luck!