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KDL-50W805C - Excessive backlight bright patches?


KDL-50W805C - Excessive backlight bright patches?

Hi all,


Would appreciate the community's thoughts here - I purchased the KDL-50W805C in the second half of last year (should still be in warranty), and it's always suffered from bright patches due to the backlight, that essentially look like torches shining up from the bottom-centre of the screen during any darker-scenes. Drives me completely crazy by detracting from the immersion of games/movies. Have sat on the issue until now as work has been too busy to pursue getting a repair or exchange sorted.


In the attached images, would the backlight bright patches shown be deemed to be in the range of "acceptable manufacturing tolerances"? Or would you think this is an issue worth pursuing further to get a replacement?






Thanks in advance,




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Hi there


Ive see worse TVs in regards to clouding - but then again ive seen better too.  Ultimately though, its you as the paying customer that needs to be happy.  As this is something that is driving you crazy, then if it was me, id get this sorted.  Unfortunately this is generally going to be a replacement tv.  As your TV should be under warranty, then your first port of call is the retailer you purchased it from.

