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My sound bar does not connect to Netflix on my new Sony Bravia

My sound bar does not connect to Netflix on my new Sony Bravia


@Eric.Brannan9 Are you aware that you posted twice and wrote nothing? And even from the title why do you expect your audio system to connect to a video streaming?



This is probably because you have Netflix set to an audio protocol that is too sophisticated for your Soundbar.


Bust it down a peg or two, and try again.


If still no go, and you have to post again, you will need to give:- 

model details of the TV

make and model details of the soundbar

describe how it is connected to the TV, e.g. HDMI/ARC or optical

details of the Netflix programme you are trying to watch (Title, Season & Ep if applicable, 4K, HD or SD, audio stereo or 5.1, and if the latter what audio standard, e.g. Dolby Digital, DD+, etc)

so we can best help you.

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