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Playstation 4 Thread

Playstation 4 Thread

So what does everyone think so far?

  • Specs looked pretty good. Especailly 8GB of very high speed RAM and a 6x Blu-ray drive. One benefit ofa 6x Blu-ray is that you can potentially run games from disc directly if required rather than the mandatory installation that you have on some titles.
  • Social seems to play a very big part especially with easy sharing of content and cloud gaming
  • Some good details of the controller here -
  • Great developer support with the additon of Bungie and Blizzard in addition to existing partners.
  • No mention of 4K yet, but confirming it has physical media support and with a 4k standard for Blu-ray on the horizon, I'm hopeful

Like most people, I really want to see the chassis itself, but guess we'll have to wait until maybe E3 or something until that is revealed. But so far so good i think.

What do you think?

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I had created a new post - forgot i posted here too -

After seeing that the expected delivery date for my PS4 order is between 27/12 & 29/12 (even though I pre-ordered before the 6th August cut off for a day one purchase) I called the customer support number to query it...i had assumed this would just change - but wanted to be sure...

Turns out that their expected shipment has been delayed - and although I am 'top of the queue' (according to Bartek on the phone) - it’s expected that it will come on the 10th December - although he couldn’t even be sure of that and said to call back in a couple of days

I have cancelled pre-orders from numerous other places to buy directly from Sony (under the assumption that they would have adequate stock before anyone else) - So I am understandably raging.....Added to this I can’t find an e-mail informing me of this delay - and to put more salt in the wounds the original pre-order page (below) still implies that orders before August 6th will be delivered release day