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Release date of new a-series Walkman??? :S

Release date of new a-series Walkman??? :S

This has been a source of much confusion.  According to, the official release of the new line of walkman players (a/s/e series) was meant to be the 31st of July.  However, I've checked there website virtually every day and there is no sign that they have any in stock, or more importantly WHEN they will have any in stock.  Sony themselves aren't helping matters, as they haven't provided any clear release date (which, seen as the products are avaliable for pre-order from the sony website, might prove to be useful for those of us who want to buy them).  If anyone can give me an idea of when sony will officially release their new walkman line I would really appreciate it, as I have already purchased the new a-series from (believing that the release date was the 31st of July) and subsequently I have no idea when I will actually get my hands on it :L 

Message was edited by: IceCold051

Message was edited by: IceCold051