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The Media industry

The Media industry

Ok so I work in the media industry and everything I work on is Apple. Now don't miss understand me I like apple and they have done allot of good things but....... I have heard they are going to scrap the dvd drive on there mac book pro (witch I use for me work) and the latest version of final cut Pro has well left allot of people upset as well as the lack of usb3/esata/blue ray on all there machines.....

so there's a big question looming if I hate the new laptop and the new software what do I do???

There is Adobe but they don't work with any manufactures to optimise there products like apple or there's Avid but again the same problem and we all learn to edit on apple and FCP.

SO my question is why has sony not released a loptop in asosation with one of these companys with esata and usb3 and dvd/blue ray?????? With a decent education grant and some good work with there camera guys they could easily win a whole market.

Everyone is looking for an altunative to apple so why not give them an answer  :slight_smile:

I look forward to a response


Hello, maybe i didn´t understand your post...

But, Are you looking for something like that??

A model with esata, USB3.0, BLURAY...

I hope to be helpful


p.s. forgive my poor english please.
