Very disappointing Customer Service


Very disappointing Customer Service

I've always been a loyal customer from Sony, but this time Sony has really let me down:


I bought a Xperia Z3 Tablet - 380€!!! - at Sony Online Store almost six weeks ago (UPDATED)  and still I haven't received it. The delivery should have been done in two days. It seems the carrier (TNT) has lost it. And despite the fact that the carrier already contacted me and formally assume total responsibility, I still haven't received what I paid for... Not even an explanation from Sony. When I contact Sony, they just say the matter is under investigation. This is unbelievable: a customer hasn't received what it paid for...; shouldn't the priority be resolving that?!

I'm being penalized for a logistics problem I've nothing to do with. I paid for a product and for a service. And so far, I received neither.

I don't have my money nor my product... Not even an explanation from Sony. This is unacceptable. Sony is a great brand but I can't help thinking that it really doesn't care much about customer satisfaction. What a disappointment...


Hi Thalamus,


I would again be grateful to you.


I'm always being told that there's an ongoing internal inquiry. But what I would like to know is when will I finally receive what I paid for. This situation is going on for almost a month and I'm feeling disregarded as a customer.

I've been informed that Sony Sales have been in contact with you by email??
Had a thought if you want to send me a private message with a phone number that you can easily be reached on I will happily forward this on for you which hopefully this will help speed up the process..

Hi Thalamus,


Thank you for your message; I just saw it. I've been away lately.


Yes, I've been contacted by email and a replacement order has apparently been made. Unfortunately it seems that not even this new order will fix the situation. According to the information on my client account it should have already been sent but so far I haven't received any delivery notice. So, I expect the worst.


It has been almost six weeks since I made the order and paid for it. And I can't help feeling my problem is not a priority for Sony. This is turning to be a real nightmare. I was never so poorly treated as a customer.


I set next friday as the deadline for receiving the product. If I don't, I will resort to European Consumer Assistance. Six weeks ago it was inconceivable to me ever having this kind of problem with Sony.


I would be grateful for any assistance you can give me on this.


UPDATE: I haven't received any replacement order either, and despite my requests, no one from Sony has resolved the situation. This is now beyond my comprehension so I've already requested European Consumer Assistance so that I will at least get my 380€ back.


How can a customer be treated like this? And since I've been sharing this experience with the community, no one at Sony Customer Relationship Management will be able to say they didn't know anything about it. They just didn't care, I guess. As a customer I find that very hard to accept.



Problem solved! I've just received the product. Finally...


I hope Sony learns from my experience and improves itself so that other customers won't go through the same.



Glad you have finally received your Xperia Z3 Tablet..:smileythumbsup: