Share your experience!
Q1: Are there maybe some firmware updates available?
Q2: Which software packages could recover the lost data?
My recordings are long, typically 45 to 60 minutes. Sony RCD-W100 keeps writing all the time but in the end fails to read and/or write PMA contents to the lead-in TOC. However the audio IS there but none of it is available
thur far none has proved to do the job
firstly it proves to be difficult to read the contents of a failed recording. Secondly: my old laptops do not have the space and power to handle 700 MB files. In my job I have better computers
there should be some cloning software packages, which make a 1:1 disk file image of a cd. Then I must make an empy recording of the same length and have a disk image of it as well. Combining these two images maybe gives me a recovered image. (Taking just the very first blocks of the empty recording, the rest being the recovered audio. Ther won't be any lead-out ... )
for this combining of images I write a C-language program
Are you still getting this type of problem? Mine seems to be working pretty fine.
have been nowadays working sloooowly ... the firmware is poor, maybe allowing pushing wrong buttons at a wrong time? maybe reporting actions completed too early? Three (3) times this same problem in three months. And now I am recording also to a laptop. Just to make sure ...