BDP-S3100 DVD playback blackout

BDP-S3100 DVD playback blackout

Hi guys, 


I recently bought a new simple BDP for my kids and connected to my KDL-55EX720 via HDMI. Haven't tested bluray yet, but I'm experiencing playback issues with DVDs.


It plays perfectly for a random amount of seconds - usually less than five minutes - and then blacks out one or two seconds. Both audio and video stops. Playback is resumed and I feel I've missed out on 1-3 seconds content. 


I've really not configured anything. Figured a Sony player connected to a Sony TV would have decent factory settings. I only connected the BDP to my wifi and installed the latests firmware.I'm really not a A/V nerd, så I have no idea wether this could be settings or hardware/firmware issue. 


Any ideas?

Not applicable

Hi there


If audio and video are cutting out, this to me indicated a communcation failure between player and TV.  Ensure that your HDMI (?) cable is connected securely, and maybe replace it with another one (to see if that cures the issue).  Also test using a different HDMI port on the TV (just in case).

