Memory card slot issue


Memory card slot issue

There is a piece of plastic in my memory card slot that I can not get out, when taking out the plastic it ripped on the memory card slot side now I can not insert my memory card. 


Hi @Stereorubdown, let me see if I can help out here.

From your description it sounds a bit like it is the label strip of the phone hat has gotten stuck and preventing you from inserting your memory card/SIM card. This label is supposed to be there in case you do not have access to the screen and need to look up the IMEI of the device.

If this strip or the slot has been damaged, I believe that it would be best to get in contact with your local support team in order to have this sorted. It is not a big operation if it is just the strip that has been damaged, however, as it is quite delicate electronics in the area of the strip, it is best handled by an authorized service technician.

I hope this answered your question!