Media Server Stops working (KDL-47W807A)

Media Server Stops working (KDL-47W807A)

Hi All


I have downloaded and played hundreads of MP4 files from various sites, but just recently when I try and watch films either streaming from my laptop or from my DLNA network device the film stops at about 25 - 30 minutes and displays a error message "Media Server has stopped".


If I stream the same films from the DLNA network device to my Iphone it works fine, I can play back the movies directly on my laptop.


If I copy the move to a USB pen and plug it in to the TV I get the same error message.


I have restored factory settings on the TV, but the error message still appears.


Could the latest firmware update have caused a issue with file compatibility?




Not applicable

Hi there


Can you reply back with the following:

  • What DLNA Server are you using?  (i.e. Synology with Serviio)
  • Are these legit files (i.e. not pirated - as sometime there are measures to prevent playback in the file)

