Am I the only lucky Vaio owner?


Am I the only lucky Vaio owner?

I have owned my 40Gb Vaio for four months, and touch wood have had no issues niggles or failures. Neither do I have any issues with SS, or the lack of accessories and have over 30Gb of music loaded recorded at 132kps.

I think that the software is very easy to use and more than adequate for what it was supplied and intended to do. I have read that people have issues over music licences, but I am not an advocate of downloaded or pirate music and own every track; so keeping a back up is not a problem for me as I have either the original CD or vinyl, tape or minidisc.

I use my VP nearly every day without issue on all modes of public transport, as well as docked to both car and home stereo systems, again without fault.

I would agree that battery life is not 20 hours as advertised, but is well in excess of 14 hours when used over a several day period.

The only issue I have had, other than the problems that were cured following the upgrade (which went as advertised), was with the stock headphones being next to useless, but this was easily remedied by purchasing a pair of Shure E2C ear buds.

I installed an RF modulator system to connect the unit to my car stereo and no longer have to constantly change the cd collection, which is a bonus. My wifes car has an auxiliary input jack, so connecting the unit is a breeze, so sometimes we both fight to see who will use it.

I can honestly say that I am pleased with my VP, and do not regret parting with the £165 to buy it, I am even keeping a look out for another so that my wife can have her own. So if there are any of you disillusioned VP owners out there looking to sell, then let me know I may be interested.

All in all an absolute bargain!!


Mirror image of my feelings and usage of my excellent machine, right down to the choice of Shure E2C's. Slight exceptions being I have only had mine 3 months and I am getting 18.5 hours out of mine (checked by letting it play to itself to run the battery down to enable a full re-charge as I heard it does it good!). Use it every day, at work (through mobile speakes) walking the dog, in the car, in bed, or just chillin'

No problems with the software, would like to be able to delete on the go or insert a bookmark but what the hell. Connect to Hi-FI using an FM transmitter from the same place I got my leather case (Gadgetino) and connect to the car using the cassette player.

Music is either owned or downloaded from where I can choose the format and quality and pay for the size of the file accordingly. These are then backed up to DVD.

Definitely a bargain.


I wholeheartedly agree ¿ A fantastic player and a bargain - I paid £199 from Dixons (it was STILL on sale in the local SONY centre for £379).
I use the player almost daily for 3 months and it has been reliable and has excellent battery life.
I am currently using Sennheiser PX200 headphones to good effect ¿ they really bring out the fantastic pace and rhythm this player can produce. The overall sound quality is superb with rich deep bass and clean treble. No hint of ¿squeezed¿ sound you sometimes get from compressed music formats, a problem that seems to be generic with some players.

Likewise - I really don¿t see why people have problems with Sonic Stage. I think it works just fine. I find it intuitive and quick. Whole stacks of CDs get transferred in a very short while.
What more does it have to do for goodness sake!

All in all one of the best bits of kit I have ever bought.



Hitting the 2 month point, only glitch i had was it seemed to get stuck, get the hiccups but hittiong the reset solved that and didn't lose any tracks. Only wish was Sonic Stage had the friendliness and ease of use of iTunes, but like the look of my pocket better than iPods.

And for price paid not bad at all :slight_smile:


Hitting the 2 month point, only glitch i had was it seemed to get stuck, get the hiccups but hitting the reset solved that and didn't lose any tracks. Only wish was Sonic Stage had the friendliness and ease of use of iTunes, but like the look of my pocket better than iPods.

And for price paid not bad at all :slight_smile:


Had my vp for around 3 months now and I love it! Once I'd taken the time to get used to the software I had no problems whatsoever and to be honest, having never used itunes, I can't see what the big problem is with sonicstage! I've now transferred my entire cd collection to the player with all track info and jackets and take it with me everywhere. Very happy customer, £200 well spent!



I own my vaio pocket since December. As you all say I have never had any problem with SS or with song licenses. I have updated SS version recently and haven´t experienced any trouble at all. Battery live is quite amazing and the sound quality is superb. I´m quite sure I have pay a good price for it, and definitely would pay it again.


Yo folks,

I'm pretty much pleased with the whole music side of the VAIO Player. The transfer of music to the player had some niggles, but once all my library was on the machine no hiccups.

The only thing i felt was a bit of a let down was the photo capabilities of the unit. Browsing pictures is too slow, and the fact you cannot rename those silly folders is pathetic. I was looking forward to transferring my whole photo library to the VAIO... but whats the point when i cant remember what photos are in what USER_XXX folder. It seems such a simple issue that could easily be corrected with a firmware update.


Yo folks,

I'm pretty much pleased with the whole music side of the VAIO Player. The transfer of music to the player had some niggles, but once all my library was on the machine no hiccups.

The only thing i felt was a bit of a let down was the photo capabilities of the unit. Browsing pictures is too slow, and the fact you cannot rename those silly folders is pathetic. I was looking forward to transferring my whole photo library to the VAIO... but whats the point when i cant remember what photos are in what USER_XXX folder. It seems such a simple issue that could easily be corrected with a firmware update.

I must admit that I only use my unit for music so was not aware of the photo viewing limitations. I would like you have thought that Sony could resolve this fairly easily if they wanted to.


Sony should ensure that Sonic Stage upgrades stay compatible with Vaio Pocket for a few years atleast.