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Battery not present


Battery not present


I am new into this. What has made me write is that my VGN-SZ1VP bought in April 2006 needs some TLC... The battery is "not present" and the laptop will only work on AC power. I have read some posts but no clear solution. Sony is not replying to e-support and by telephone they only offer me a replacement battery for £133.77 including delivery and VAT. Sony says batteries are "consumable items" and the warranty does not cover this... how are they sure the problem is the battery without looking into other options? Is it just a problem with batteries? By the way, I have all updates from VAIO download and MS Windows XP Pro... but the battery still not being recognised. Help, please.


:slight_smile: I really was lucky! Sony Italy accepted my remonstrance and - since yesterday - I can work with a new battery, sent by DHL.
Now, I hope to don't live again the same experience! ciao,

So did you have to pay for the new battery?

My laptop has also decided to not recognize the battery. Bought March 05, worked fine (altho never lasted as long as advertised) and then one day, nothing.

Hi beadlesandjamjars and welcome to Club Vaio

I think pannonica was lucky as he fell within the 90 day battery warranty period.

I have not heard of Sony replacing a battery older than 90 days for free.

I would look somewhere like THIS PROVIDER who guarantee compatibility and give a ONE YEAR WARRANTY.


Yes, I was lucky, but anyway... it was surely due the 90 days.


I have a problem with my battery too. it's a VGN-BPS3C and of course as it is not part of the offical series of batteries with admitted problems, Sony refuses the replacement. Having a battery which dies totally only after 7 month, its not normal at all. But it seems that there must also be first an explosion or fire on this series before Sony will admit that this serie has problems too and then perhaps also recall it. Hopefully there will not be any serious incident even it would be helpful for us in order to get reimbursed for the new battery we have to buy.

Right and correct!
But, there's surely no professionality in the support service in Sony.
I recently posted, in fact, other question to the support service, without serious answers. Sony is maybe a good product, but with incredibly very poor assistence service. Moreover, with so high prices for the accessories, the situation related with the batteris it's simply incredible! TAke - as example - the price of an added giga of Ram. The price is
incredibly higher than the other similar products! Right double than the other (around 500 Euro instead the usual 200!)
I repeat... I only had great luck in this case, but I'll take in serious consideration the possibility to move to other companies when I'll buy a new computer. best, pannonica


in the meantime I figured out the problem and it's even worse. I dismounted my batteryand I found that the lithium cells are totally fine and completely charged. So its the electronic device of the battery which failes. So it would be normal that Sony replaces the device as it is not a defect of the cells. Cells are consumerals so a six month garanty seems to be normal, but electronic circuits should have the same garanty of one year as the laptop.


I will definetly move to another provider for all my electronic needs/wants... I have given Sony enough chances to change my mind.



I was the proud owner of a Sony VGN-SZ1VP laptop, bought in Spain,on March 21, 2006. A couple of weeks ago (after only 10 months of use, and not a very heavy use, as I spend most of my time at work), my laptop told me that there was no battery anymore.

Again: the same problem of several people with this laptop (and with other Sony's Laptop).

I went to the Sony's Support page and... this is what they say (I begin with my post to the Support):

Notes 05-Jan-2007

*** NOTES 05-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: Bruno

1. Installed service pack: WindowsXP Pro SP2
Still using service pack: no

2. Boot language: English

3. Detailed problem description: I suppose you've read all the problems people are having with the battery of their VGN-SZ1VP. I am one of them, one more.

Suddenly, the battery is not more recognized (and my Vayo VGN-SZ1VP was purchased on March 21, 2006, that's it: it is only 10 months old).

4. Checked for upgrades or patches: no
5. Additional SW: Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thuderbird,
6. Additional HW: No hardware installed
7. Extra memory added: no
8. Additional remarks: The battery doesn't work. Since today. In no case.

Notes 10-Jan-2007 Damien

*** NOTES 10-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr Bruno,

Thanks for contacting us.

We are not aware of a known issue concerning the battery for your vaio model

We would advise you to do the following.

Shut down your VAIO.
2. Make sure that your AC Adapter works fine
3. Remove the battery and check that its connectors are clean.
4. Disconnect the AC adapter while the battery is removed.
5. Hold the power switch for at least 15 seconds to ensure that your VAIO totally shuts down.
6. Reinsert the battery and connect the AC adapter to the wall socket and to the VAIO.
7. Leave the VAIO connected to the mains for about 30 minutes to make sure the battery is charged.
8. When it is all done, try to start your VAIO and go back to the beginning of the solution.

Restart your VAIO.
When you see the Sony logo, press F2 several times.
You will get the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility window.
Press F9 to get default values and then press ENTER to confirm.
Press F10 to save changes and exit and then press ENTER to confirm.
You have restored the default values and your VAIO will now restart.

Does your vaio detected the battery on your vaio now.?

Notes 10-Jan-2007 Bruno

*** NOTES 10-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: Bruno,

Dear Vaio Team,

I followed all the steps you suggested (more than once, just to be sure) but, as I've already told you in my previous note, the battery is not recognized.

In your answer you say that you are not aware of any issue concerning the battery for my Vaio model (VGN SZ1VP) which I bought in March 2006.

In your web page (Sony), it is sufficient to go to the CLUB VAIO web page and to type "VGN SZ1VP battery" to go to this page:

where more than one Sony customers have been experiencing the same problem.

As my computer is still covered by the Warranty, and as it seems to be a problem that lots of people are experiencing with this very expensive laptop, I hope that Sony will make the favour of replacing this battery with a new one. I can send this battery, as proof of that it is not working (the battery is this one VGP-BPS2C).

I live in Luxembourg, where I work. Please tell me where I have to go to have the battery replaced.

Thank for your attention.


Notes 16-Jan-2007 Damien

*** NOTES 16-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info

Dear Mr Bruno,

Thanks for your reply.

Sony is not aware of an issues concerning the battery pack for your specific vaio model.

If you want to find out whether your battery qualifies for the voluntary replacement program, please call our tool-free number.

Austria 0800 102 515 41
Belgium 0800 509 35
Czech Republic 800 142 317
Finland 0800 914520
France 0800 94 2854
Germany 0800 000 4358
Greece 0800 441 405 41
Ireland 1800 837 480
Italy 800 125 672
Portugal 882 780 174
Russian Federation 0495 981 4978
Spain 900 801 615
Sweden 0200 125 353
Switzerland 0800 004 014
The Netherlands 0800 265 9134
Turkey 0800 4488 204 50
United Kingdom 0800 358 4753

In case your country is not in the list, please use the online verification tool

to check whether your battery is subject to the voluntary exchange program and if applicable subscribe for the program.

If your vaio is not eligible then the only advise we can recommend is to buy a new battery.

Notes 16-Jan-2007 Bruno

*** NOTES 16-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: Bruno,

Dear (now a little bit less "dear") Vaio Support Team,

Your answer is quite funny. You should know that, legally speaking, you CANNOT say the following (extract of your last answer):

"NOTES 16-Jan-2007 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr Bruno,
Thanks for your reply.

Sony is not aware of an issues concerning the battery pack for your specific vaio model."

The reasons of it are several:

1) I (myself) warned you about the "issue" (Sony VGN-SZ1VP notebook is not more recognizing the battery), as I am (my Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP is) experimenting that "issue".

2) In the Club Vaio Forum, which is part of the SONY Vaio Website (Sony Europe Website) there are various posts about the same, identical "issue" (Sony VGN-SZ1VP notebook is not more recognizing the battery). Here just an example:

That means that in Sony Website, which contents are owned by Sony, and under Sony responsibility, as stated here: (just an extract: "Sony does not transfer title to any Site content downloaded or used by User. Site content, including its selection and arrangement, is owned by Sony or Sony Affiliates and/or their content and technology providers and is protected by copyright and other laws."

there are clear evidences of Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP owners who are experiencing the same problem I am experiencing with the battery of this notebook.

My Notebook Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP is still in warranty and the answer I got from you, as solution of the problem my Notebook is experiencing (battery not recognized) is (quoting your answer):

"to find out whether your battery qualifies for the voluntary replacement program, please call our tool-free number. [...] In case your country is not in the list, please use the online verification tool
to check whether your battery is subject to the voluntary exchange program and if applicable subscribe for the program."

This, when you know exactly that the battery of this Notebook (VGP-BPS2C) does not qualify for the voluntary replacement program, as clearly visible here:

(again, in Sony Vaio Support website, which contents should be known by the Sony Vaio Support Team)

Your last sentence, in your answer to my request of support and to my request of having the battery replaced by a new one (as my VERY expensive Sony Vaio Notebook is still covered by the warranty) is the following:

"If your vaio is not eligible then the only advise we can recommend is to buy a new battery."

This is Sony Support.

I still hope that some analysis you will perform about the battery of this model of Sony Vaio will give me the possibility of having my Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP's battery replaced. If this will not happen, I can ensure you that:

1) I will NOT going on (never again) being a Sony customer, (not only in Notebooks).

2) And I will Spread around my own opinion of Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP Notebook (the web-community will reach his own conclusions).

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,



Well, people, sorry to bother you with this very long post, but I am very fed up of Sony. Do you think that a laptop which costs 2500 Euros (a Sony laptop!) has no support for the battery and that the "Support" Team only says that they do not know ANY issue related with the battery?

Any advice?

Thank you



dear all

I am about to start consumer/legal action in UK against SONY for this issue.

I intend to use this website as proof of the battery problem and how SONY has let us down. If you do not want me to use your post/s, please let me know as I don't want to upset anybody. Please reply to this thread by 30 January 2007.

I will keep you updated with progress if I decide going ahead with this. As I want to be as transparent as possible, any updates will be posted in this thread.

I am really sad writing this, what a dissapointment from SONY.
