Share your experience!
Hi guys, apologies if this has already been asked before but I couldn't find a related question so was wondering if anyone could help me.
I've been looking for a keyboard skin for my Vaio EA ever since I got the laptop last year - searched for months & even mailed Sony to ask if they were planning to release any in the UK & they replied with a 'no'. I still had my hopes though & kept searching, but kinda gave up for about a few months.. Then today I searched again not expecting anything, but to my surprise - they actually released some!!
Now my problem is - they've discontinued the product so I can't buy!!!! (Sense my frustration?) I searched everywhere online to see if other stores sell but to no avail, not even on ebay. So does anyone know where I can purchase in case I am just not searching very well, PLEASE?
This is what I'm after: (The 14" UK keyboard layout).
Any help would be much appreciated!!
Hi Lisa,
Have a look at the following link.
Hi Rich,
Thanks for the reply. Just looked at the site, so it would seem that this company is the only place selling the UK version then? It would cost £60 in total & I think that's without the delivery cost too lol.. I think it's a big rip off from the company seeing as Sony sold for way cheaper compared, but I guess they're taking advantage of this seeing as Sony stopped selling. But still I appreciate the help very much.
Anybody else know of anywhere that is selling for a reasonable price? Sony must have loads left so I'm tempted to mail them to see if they can make exceptions & just sell me one!?
Hi Lisa,
Have you considered buying from Sony USA. They have it available for $15.99 – I have no idea whether they will deliver to the UK but it may be worth investigating...
EDIT: Forget that as it will not be UK keyboard layout
Message was edited by: rich912
Message was edited by: rich912
Hi Guys
This is my first post on these forums so I hope I'm doing this right
I'm having the same problem sourcing a cover for my E-Series VPCEB4X0E.
Thats the model I'm eager for, but can't seem to find on info on availability or even a lack thereof of an EU version or any version for my model of laptop for that fact.
Any info/enlightenment on this conundrum would be greatly appreciated.