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Uninstall Vista on AR


Uninstall Vista on AR

Hello Poeople,

I own an AR51SU which came with vista ultimate on it.
I would like to ask 2 questions.
1.As far as I understand, AR keeps a copy of the Vista installation files on the hard drive. I copied them to 2 dvds. Now is it possible to delete the vista insallation files from C hard drive to gain some space?

I mean suppose that in future I will upgrade to windows 7. Do I have to keep the vista installation files on my hard drive?

Thanks in advance for the answers.


I always think it is worth keeping the hidden Recovery Partition unless you are completely out of storage - even then I would recommend an external hard drive and to keep the Recovery Partition.

Recovery Discs have a habit of becoming corrupt and useless when you need them. The Recovery Partition also permits you to reinstall your system if your DVD drive is faulty (which is also quite common)

The decision is yours but be aware there are disadvantages to deleting this partition. When a new OS arrives like Windows 7 you may then think again.



So do we conclude that I can delete the recovery partition?
Then how do I do that?
Where is this partition?
How can I see and delete that partition and add the empty space to my normal partition?