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Ok, having just had the top off my VGN-A115B, I noticed that there was only one memory module in place, but no space for a second module. This is contrary to Crucial's memory selector, which claims I should be able to fit two 1GB modules into my machine here .
I then noticed that the module was only a 256mb module, whilst my system info claims I have 512mb... Is the information on Crucial 's site incorrect? Is my system information incorrect? Or is the second memory module hidden?
I work a lot with audio software, so it would be beneficial for me to fit up to 2gb of memory, as Crucial claim I should be able to... am I?
Are you sure you took off the right bit., maybe the other module is somewhere else.... most VAIOs that have 512MB memory have 2x256 sticks
Yeah, pretty sure... It is the module in the middle of this picture (in the hole above the touchpad):
Like you said, it may be that it has 2x256mb modules, but I swear I couldn't find the other one...
Crucial are correct - you will fond the other memory bay in a compartment on the underside of your notebook.
Aha! Thank you very much... I was wondering what those two panels were for...
No problem:smileyhappy: