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VCG-VA1 All-in-One Needs a new Delta Power Supply (DPS-290AB/ Sony prt #1-468-950-11) . Where and how can I get one?

VCG-VA1 All-in-One Needs a new Delta Power Supply (DPS-290AB/ Sony prt #1-468-950-11) . Where and how can I get one?

Right my VGC VA1 all in one , has developed an annoying buzzing sound coming from the PSU . I had dismantled the casing , blew all the dust out and re-assembled , however the irritating sound remains .

Most people out there will know that you sould not use a PSU that is buzzing . It needs to be replaced. I love this desktop computer. I am competent enoough  to replace the PSU myself . I have worked as a computer assambler with VIglen . I know what to do

Well was hunting yesterday for several hours for a replacement power supply and found only completed listings on Ebay

I ended up Phoning Sony on the Out of Warranty service number ( 09050310006 ) . The phonecall cost me allmost £15/ 20 Euro's . I had been told they had a solution for just £36 inc VAT + P&P . I tried giving  them the PSU Part number, I was assured that they had the right part , I was told I would invoiced through email.

I checked my email this morning , they are sending me a power lead :smileyshocked:. I was told earlier that they would refund it if it's wrong or incompatible .  They said they would phone to check if it's right . So I guess I should wait for them to call right?

I didn't want to spend another £10- £15 on a phonecall , just to tell them that they got an order wrong

Sony Link, out of Warranty services , do not even have an email .  I hope I don't have to pay for the return of this power lead .

What should I do ? Can someone get into contact with them here?

Your help is much appreciated


Message was edited by: johayne98

Message was edited by: johayne98

Message was edited by: johayne98

Message was edited by: johayne98