Sony MDR 1000X Bracket broken

Sony MDR 1000X Bracket broken


I recently purchased a pair of these great headphones and although I have been thoroughly impressed, I have to write about some disappointment I have experienced. I have had these headphones for about 3 months and a week about the bracket on the hinge of the headphones started to break.

Unphased, I still continued to wear them until today where they broke off completely.

Now I have seen many issues online where there is a design flaw in the headphones where too much pressure can cause the bracket to break so I am extremely unimpressed. 




My question is what can we do about this. Prior to purchasing them I read that they are virtually indestructible and honestly an issue like this isn't something I'd expect from a £300+ pair of headphones. It's just so sad because the sound quality of them are second to none.


Thank you.


Nope, it's actually gotten worse now and there's a piece of plastic that juts a little into my head which causes me some discomfort after about 10 mins.  Going to contact customer support now.


Me too, however - given it's been over a year, I'm going to have to pay for repairs.  Anyone know how much it costs to fix both brackets? Annoyingly darn things broke while in the case.



Mine are the exact same, I’ve been waiting on my sister in law who works for Sony to sort me but it’s taking way to long

who do I contact?


I`m from Taiwan. I have the same problem,but the company sony in Taiwan don`t want fix my MDR-1000X for free. I have pay US 80 to fix the problem.

I need your help ,do you have any offical paper from Sony   about  this


This is for everyone:

Sony has investigatred this matter and although these products do meet all quality standards, they will offer a free repair for the few customers who have experienced this head-band damage.


Thank you !

Sorry, but how to contact Sony about it? Got the same problem all of a sudden, although headphones were kept ideally. Do I understand it right, that they will be repaired only for a few customers, not all of them? According to the internet, this is the plague of MDR 1000X, it's not "rare issue".



I just had the same problem. I purchased them in late November and they just broke, so I haven't even had them for six months. They were just around my neck and I hardly touched them and it just snapped. 


Would I be able to get mine repaired as well? I really liked them until this happened but I think for headphones I spent a couple hundred dollars on this is really disappointing.


I have a receipt, but purchased them (new) from Amazon. Would appreciate some help.

Ok, I contacted Sony. Despite their comments in Amazon and here about "free of charge repair", this is simply not true. They refuse to provide free repair.


I think it's time for a class action against Sony - seems that all MDR 1000X end up with these problem. At this moment 12% of reviews in are negative with exactly this problem, and this means there is a real problem with this product, it's far from being "accident".


Here is their official reply:

"We cannot cover the repair. We will raise an estimate cost of repair."

Yeah, this seems to be my experience with them. They told me to go to my
local Sony repair centre, which I did. They said that they will need 35
pounds just to look at it!

I'm furious, to waste so much money on a design flaw which caused the
bracket to break in a matter of months. Going to now have to purchase the
Bose wireless headphones (another £300) I'll just to stay clear of Sony
headphones and tell everyone I know to follow suit lest they make the same
expensive mistake I did. £300 is NOT an impulse buy...

Hi there, i have the same issue. How can i get this solved?

They consider this damage to be "physical or cosmetic" and this means - no free repairs for you even on warranty. The fact that it happened because of faulty materials and over 20% of headphones of this model are already broken - just annoying details.


The e-mail to send your inquiry is


Good luck, though it won't be enough. What they need is class action.