Share your experience!
I recently purchased a pair of these great headphones and although I have been thoroughly impressed, I have to write about some disappointment I have experienced. I have had these headphones for about 3 months and a week about the bracket on the hinge of the headphones started to break.
Unphased, I still continued to wear them until today where they broke off completely.
Now I have seen many issues online where there is a design flaw in the headphones where too much pressure can cause the bracket to break so I am extremely unimpressed.
My question is what can we do about this. Prior to purchasing them I read that they are virtually indestructible and honestly an issue like this isn't something I'd expect from a £300+ pair of headphones. It's just so sad because the sound quality of them are second to none.
Thank you.
Hi @jawebbe3658 and @pete.innovation-central
A while ago Sony were replacing them (see the start of this thread)
as long as you could provide proof of purchase.
I'd get in touch with Support on +44 (0) 2073652810 to check
what the situation is currently.
Me too! Disappointed!
Did anyone have any luck in the UK? I have the same issue but I think mine are 18 months old. There is also an EU directive on 2 year warranty
Free of charge, 2-year guarantee for all goods
You always have the right to a minimum 2-year guarantee at no cost, regardless of whether you bought your goods online, in a shop or by mail order.
This 2-year guarantee is your minimum right, however national rules in your country may give you extra protection.
If goods you bought anywhere in the EU turn out to be faulty or do not look or work as advertised, the seller must repair or replace them free of charge or give you a price reduction or a full refund.
You can usually only ask for a partial or full refund when it is not possible to repair or replace the goods.
I can't believe they continued to sell these after all the problems they have had. I bought some at the end of thier cycle from Dixons (Heathrow). There was a newer version out which had a built in Siri/Alexa type service which I didn't want.
After nearly a year, they have of course snapped at the same place as described previously, when simply removing them from my neck. I hadn't noticed any cracks or anything prior. I am being told that they broke due to "physical damage" implying I have mistreated them which I certainly have not.
It's really quite insulting from them, knowing that so many people have had an issue.
Really did expect so much more from a company with the reputation of Sony.
Hi Sony,
I have the same problem for both brackets, this is my first EVER expensive exprience with any headphone & i chosed sony over boseQC35 and now i'm looking for a way to fix this issue, i have already tried some solutions but failed.
Can you please solve this issue, Free or paid.
i just need brackets and there is no official sony shop near my area.
thank, AhmedRight side
Left side
how do we go about contacting Sony for the replacement headphones?
I mesaged them through the standard support system and was told to send them in to see if they could be repaired because "they appeared to have sustained some
physical damage".
Well, you've seen what happened before - they will offer you to repair it for outrageous price or return for just large sum. I suggest you contact them back and clarify this - whether it will be repaired for free if it's not your fault, and whether it will be returned for free otherwise. There is still no class action against them, so they feel quite relaxed.
Has anyone successfully glued their headphones so they actuall stay in place?
I have exhausted all methods of getting any kind of refund. Sony have lost a customer for life with me, so trying to make the most of what is left of these £300 headphones.
Simply disgusting treatment of customers who have paid for a premium product.
Nothing that lasted, no.
Agree, Sony have lost all credibility for me with the way this has been handled. But they don't seem interested in us, so all we can do is learn from the experience and move on. I've always recommended Bose headphones after this experience as their build quality is vastly superior.
The only solution I have found is more of a workaround than a fix, but it does allow me to still use them. Get a velcro strap (the type you use to tidy cables - I used the one that was wrapped around my laptops power supply) and wrap it several times around the crack. I reinforces it enough to use the headphones even if it does look a little odd. You do have to slide it off after use to get the headphones back in the case though. In my case I use them fairly infrequently so it's not a huge deal for me.
I have managed to fix a complete break by using the following spare part -
Cost me 24$, replaced it myself - no special tools required.
As you can see in the photo the spare part I've found is only the inner part - but it seems to hold up.