Sony WF-1000XM5 Noise Cancellation

Sony WF-1000XM5 Noise Cancellation

I've just bought the WF-1000XM5 earbuds and am very happy with the sound, however despite reading how good the noise cancellation is I'm not very impressed and am wondering if mine are faulty.


For example if I'm in my living room with the TV on (not too loud) and put the earbuds in I can still hear the TV quite clearly, and it doesn't sound much different to when Noise Cancellation is turned off. Having them on ambient sound makes a difference, I can hear the TV a little louder but it sounds artificial.


In comparison when I tried the Apple Airpods Pro Gen 2, Bose Quietcomfort Ultra and Technics EAH-AZ80 in the same scenario I could barely or not even hear the TV.


I have tried all of the different ear tips, and even bought some comply foam ones and the app says that I've got a good fit but nothing seems to improve things.


What are other people's experience with the XM5's? Most reviews say that the NC is excellent and only a shade behind Bose but mine aren't 🤷🏻‍♂️

Not applicable

Hey @Snerkler 

Did you check if its firmware is up-to-date through the Connect app?

You may also try to reset and initialize the headset

Yeah everything's up to date. I'll try a reset and initialise see what that does thanks