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Sony Firmware Extension Parser will not install for Windows 8.1

Hi All,

Since Installing a new OS - (Windows 8.1) and then installing all the drivers listed on the page for my VPCF23C5E (http://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/product/VPCF23C5E/updates) I have had a Base System device unknown. (there are no drivers installed for this device)


 All forums suggest that this is the RICOH memory card controller and to intsall the Sony Firmware extension parser - I have found this required driver at this link which give a small program that supposedly installs the required drivers? http://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/product/SVD1121Q2EB/downloads/SODFEP-00270203-0082_6599


However it does not matter how many times I run this program it does not seem to update the drivers - Does anybody have the basic drivers or know how to get the drivers out of this program so I can manually install them?


Thanks in advance to any and all who respond :slight_smile:

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