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Rookie Sony TV owner

Just a couple of comments as the owner of a new Sony TV (KDL-50W705B).


(1) Not having a nice paper manual to read through means that I can only find out what features and options it has if I randomly look at sections of the electronic help pages. I found a manual on the web, but it's the same kind of thing. I normally read a new device's manual from cover to cover to find the things I didn't know that I didn't know.


(2) What on earth are all these apps? What do they do? Where's the guide? Some want me to sign in before they do anything, but I don't know what they do so what do I sign in with and why should I in the first place?


I love the TV, by the way, but I wish it was just a superb monitor without all the indecipherable bloatware. (This wasn't meant to be a rant, by the way). :slight_smile:

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