
KD49X8309C - Audio cutting out

Hi all,


I purchased a KD49X8309C a couple of weeks ago and have already had it replaced once because once turned on, the Sony logo appeared and then i was left with a blank screen.
I've had with lip sync issues for the past week which I've managed to sort out but now my audio cuts out intermittently.

The TV is connected to a Samsung HT-F5500 sound system and it only cut outs once every hour or so... sometimes not even that often. I've also updated the software on both TV and sound system.

I had no problems with my previous TV when connected to the sound system so it has to be the TV. 


I am really close to returning it again and going with a different brand but i am reluctant because other than these minor issues, it is a great TV.


Is there anybody else experiencing the same problem who may be able to help me please?

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